Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Internet Saftey Part 1: Reading

For my fourth article, I read “Tangled in the Web,” Ensign, Aug. 2001, 48 by Name Withheld.
As for the most important thing I learned, I think just reiterating the fact that this happens all the time. I feel bad reading these articles because I do not feel I am learning anything from them. I know the dangers of media and the fact that all technology can be used for good as well as for bad. I am not naive to any of this because this information is not hard to find. I have read stories, seen news segments, etc. on people who become addicted to some form of technology and let it change their lives. I have read dozens of stories of people who are addicted to online gaming-a lady in china cut off her husbands hand because he would not leave the computer screen. I know people have died playing online games at home and at cafes for many hours straight without food or water. None of information we learned about in class was a surprise to me; in fact the biggest surprise to me was just how surprised everyone else was.
I am not sure how this article will influence me as a parent and or teacher because I am aware of the potential dangers that come with the internet. I understand that you have to be several steps ahead of your kids to protect them. Internet filters and all that jazz are great ways to help prevent disaster...if you feel you need further protection, key loggers are another way to help watch your children's online activity.
This article is just another example to place into my brain to give to someone that may be suffering from internet addiction. I know the signs of internet addicts and what to look out for. I have the knowledge but need the Holy Ghost to guide me to who I can help.

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